Guidelines for abstract submission

  1. The abstract should be prepared in English in MS-Word with a word limit of 300 words (excluding keywords). 
  2. It should be single-spaced in 11-point Times New Roman.
  3. An informative title should be followed by the full name of all the authors along with their affiliations. Also indicate the presenting and corresponding author with an address of correspondence (email and phone number).
  4. The abstract should be structured as:
    1.  Research article: Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion
    2.  Case report: Introduction, Case description, Conclusion
    3.  Review: Unstructured abstract is acceptable
  5. The abstract should be followed by three to five keywords.
  6. Pictures/tables are not allowed in the abstract.
  7. Please indicate the preferred mode of presentation: Oral or poster. The scientific committee reserves the right to make a final decision on the mode depending upon the availability of slots. 
  8. The presenting author should take the sole responsibility for the content of the presentation.
  9. If the author wishes to withdraw the abstract, he/she should request the scientific committee immediately. However, withdrawing is not possible after the final schedule is published. 
  10. The last date of abstract submission is 31st Dec 2022.
  11. The abstract should be sent through email to:
  12. The author will be notified regarding the acceptance of abstract by 31st Jan 2023 after it is thoroughly reviewed by the scientific committee. Please note that all the abstracts will undergo double blind peer review. 
  13. After the abstract is accepted, it is not possible to change the abstract content or authors’ name and order.
  14. The presenting author is required to register for the conference.
  15. Conflicts of interest (if any) should be disclosed to the scientific committee.

Once you have prepared your abstract according to the above guidelines:

  • Submit your abstract to
  • After the submission you will be acknowledged of the receipt of the abstract via email within three working days.

If you have any queries regarding the abstract submission, feel free to contact us at: 



  • Dr. Abhilasha Khanal (9851161034)
  • Dr. Rajesh Gyawali (9862023427)
  • Dr. Umesh Parajuli (9856022297)


  1. All presentations should be in English.
  2. The poster should be in Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) format or Macintosh Keynote format.

(We can convert the file if required, into jpeg format and no change will be obtained in fonts, characters, etc.)

  1. Full names and affiliations of all the authors should be mentioned in proper order below the title.
  2. The name and email address of the corresponding author should be mentioned at the bottom of the poster.
  3. The screen size is (height *Breadth) = (3.8 :2.2) fts / (46:27) inches for the display of the poster.
  4. Pixels used in the monitors = 1920*1080
  5. Maximum number of slides: 1
  6. No audio or video should be incorporated.
  7. The content of the poster should be organized as: 
    1. Research article: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion, and References.
    2. For case report: Introduction, Case description, Conclusion, and References
    3. For review: Subheadings as needed
  8. The font size should be large enough so that it is readable from a distance of 1.5 – 2 metres.
  9. The content should be clear and concise without overloading of text.
  10. The time for the poster presentation is 7 mins and an extra 2 mins for the discussion.


  1. All presentations should be in English.
  2. The paper should be presented in the PowerPoint. Internet connection is not available at the presentation venue.
  3. Use standard size (16:9) for making your slides. 
  4. The presenter should mention any conflicts of interest. The name of the funding agency (if any) should be disclosed. 
  5. The presenter is requested to mention the approximate time (in minutes), either 20 minutes or 25 mins for their presentation.  
  • Category 1 of “20 minutes” includes (18 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for the discussion).
  • Category 2 of “25 minutes” includes (23 minutes for the presentation and 2 minutes for the discussion).  
  • However, the time allotted will be as per the availability of the slot and as decided by the scientific committee.
  1. The time allotted for the post-graduate oral presentation is 12 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion). 
  2. You should be present at the venue at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time.
  3. The soft copy of the presentation can be submitted directly to any of the scientific committee members or via email to